Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Iron Fist and butterfly

Ok logged in for my 48 minutes of FB now on day 3. Let's see if I can keep it up. 48 minutes a day for 48 days. First a huge thankshoutopofthemorning! to all the wonderful folks who took some time to wish me HAPPY Birthday. I appreciate that and some other stuff too:

I deeply appreciate space, and SPACE, leaping from the bedroom doorway onto a pile of clothes hot from the dryer, a certain dawg, single pot stilled Irish whiskey, a huge deep laugh echoing through the conference room (usually it's me), when I'm on a support call and "did you plug it in?" actually works, the way a damp teabag sounds as it hits the wall and sticks, my neighbor drinking wine on the front porch and telling stories, making up lyrics to songs because I can NEVER remember any lyrics. I also deeply appreciate that my partner and son still attempt to hold conversations with me despite my constant non-sequiturs and jim carey impersonations.

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