Friday, August 15, 2008

a year.

coffee, quitting smoking and resmoking. family visits. meeting my soulmate. lots of food. gaining weight for the first time. starting another 300 websites. forgetting about 299 of them. working for the school district. getting promoted to manager. realizing why I always hated the manager. being repelled by the geek of it all. saving a life with an email. my doctor quits the business. My dentist fires me. I get a wicked eye infection. I take lots of pictures. Boone grows and gets almost taller and smarter than me. moving into my best friends house. My friend moves into my old apartment. getting engaged. contemplating a career change. discovering mon-a-vie. discovering kamboocha. discovering absenthe. falling down a bit more. my staff hates me. My fiance loves me. My son approaches teenage indifference. I comment on a friends blog and re-discover my own thanks to firefox's automatic sign in. good night.