Saturday, August 7, 2010

you are beautiful

I haven't done a ritual in a while but tonight I wrote myself a page and set fire to the pile in my living room. It was crap but so freeing to my soul and some good friends have really been there for me lately writing and speaking words of calm lunge. Sleep and est have lost grasp on my heart for now, it's mechanical like a pump or a spindle. Here it is and was accompanied by crushing music 'knife in the water' 'thought forms' 'Brian Ferry' 'velvet Underground' and 'spacemen 3'.
made it through thanks to the peeling back and the strength of friends.

Dream when on feet
Courage counts minutes
Really, really washing the dishes
So fucking clean spot destroyed

Bursting proud skin heat
Reaching when cymbals crash
Heads flex wildcat top white hot
Motion sung burnt with front Em-
Plays when drenched thick
Sweat drip until spent up
Moments shine large with peril

Words reach across pond field stream
Bridge lights front me in bath beam
Pardons are given met right on
Essential acids restored in purposeful match

Turbid monstrous meltdown
You can beat them
And all that shame
I wont cant stand shade now
Eating that plate in belief
Separate heroes walk in place
Bitching froth makes me ache

Somehow strong makes its way
To my sacred place
It could be a kitchen or
Church near a Sheffield grave

To play to play meant it
I spy with internet eyes
Renounce my regret to increment
But all went out in the rain
What smolders was hot flame
Carving iron seals meter my way
It’s brought now bought yours forever from this day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

part and parcel

Feeling like my body is having a stoke in reverse

Loss of function, insoluble recognition of mental limb

Loosely at first blush and then crescendo into rigid muscular flex

The surface cannot go calm no matter how long I wail and stare

Crowding every bit of being alive by pushing feet to the concrete

Curses die on my lips cotton mouth sleight of hand