Monday, October 6, 2014

The Universe meets the universe and orders a beer

Hey Ho everybodeeeeee! Today's question is:"how do you think the universe brings the people together who need to be connected to make all involved stronger souls? Also, what if people miss these connections they've been presented?"

This is a really sweet thought and for sure I've connected with certain folks and thought fate must've had a hand in it. Lyrics penned by my close pal Chris sum it up for me: "openness and willingness, every move creates the next.." I accept that 2 people can listen to the same song or look at the same tragedy and see completely different things yet share a sympathetic worldview.

My personal belief is something close to Taoism, in that there must be an equal point of dark for every point of light. That knowing when the connection to yourself and anything or anyone else has run it's course is just as important as the inception of the connection itself. Openness to endings is as important as beginnings in this philosophy so that balance and knowledge don't become stagnant.

So there are no missed connections, those that are willing can always find the connection they seek or the disconnection that may drive them to reach beyond a static paradigm. I feel very connected to the leftover pizza in the fridge right now, however if it isn't there when I go to munch because my rotten bottomless pit of a kid ate it it will push me to create a new connection. Probably to a beer.

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