Monday, October 6, 2014

Objectification of objects

I've been politely asked to stop posting pictures that objectify robots, and I get that. I certainly don't want to contribute to the already unrealistic and ridiculous stereotypes that so many robots struggle with daily. Please accept my apologies.

Here are some of my near-death experiences in chronological order:
I fell in the tub when I was 4 and landed on my head (which yes, does explain a lot) and had some stitches on my chin.

While climbing a telephone pole next to a state route through my small rural town I fell, landed on my back in the road winded, and just at that moment a car was driving by so I tried to lift my head out of the road but my hair was pinned down by the tire.
While jumping from one tree branch to another I almost landed on a sleeping owl which freaked us both out and I fell about 20 feet to the ground.

When exploring some overflow rainwater tunnels underneath Tucson AZ with a few friends and some torches we came darn close to asphyxiation when there wasn't enough oxygen for us and the fire.

When riding shotgun in a 1969 mustang with no seat belts that was doing 95 on a city street we hit a Volkswagen bug with 2 nuns in it as they were making an illegal right turn. No one was seriously hurt.

I fell about 40 feet down a cliff at the end of Campbell Ave in Tucson while free climbing but only received minor cuts.

One time I jumped off the roof of a house into a snowbank and plunged through 15 feet of snow and blacked out for a period of time. Since then I've been told that's how folks suffocate in an avalanche.
Riding helmet-less on my Honda night wing 650 a van ran a stop sign and I t-boned the thing but only sustained minor head injuries. (again, explains some things doesn't it?)

While riding my bike and pulling some friends behind me on roller skates water-skiing style I lost control of the bike because of the centrifugal force of the weight of the people I was pulling and during the course correction went full speed across 6 lanes of heavy traffic unscathed.
Have a great day! May the luck of Panky's Pride be on your side!

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