Does this phrase cause you dread? Are you nearing an apoplexia just seeing it in print? Maybe you equate it to something less dramatic, mais nous faisons; taking a flight, getting cable or city services, filing taxes,… all necessary evils and the epitome of expected crap customer service. These subjects are perfect fodder for hack comedians and MC’s because of a basic devaluation for experience and longevity in customer contact services. When there are so few options for charismatic people who excel at and enjoy working with others but are lazy bastards (by that I mean outside the ultra-ambitious 8%) that hold an important personal stake in their work. Mostly there is little incentive or recognition for their contribution, but without question are worthy of better than the larger pool of mostly amateurs and the entry level drudges.
Respect of the specialized logistics or performance that some professional service companies had has become lost in the modern economic job pool, and companies structured so that those who feel excited to work hard or initiate positive systems changes are often unrecognized or not valued enough to generate continued interest for a high performer. In the case of the airlines humans and animals are treated little better than cargo, and yet somehow humans are complicit in and expect poor treatment from this provider they not only pay money, but collectively shrug at shabby treatment which perpetuates the cycle like vicious lizards in a mating ritual.
There is no tier, no middle position to incentivize or aspire to, so that employees who have been working for 2 or 10 years are often doing the same job and it becomes a rote call. Exceptions are those who keep finding an impossible ability to reconnect with the potential they hold for experience, or those who can move through the very limited channels of advancement. Most companies eliminated the idea that any middle layer of knowledge, opportunity or leadership based on reports from hideously accurate business strategists, would result in larger overall profits and company health.
Not building in an incentive for achievers creates a system that resembles the symbiotic cannibalism of Morlok and Eloi, where a necessity exists for those to devour and other to be consumed as dependents. On occasion there exists a nuanced respect for engaging the opposition, the next adversarial contact holding some promise for greater competitive results, letting those who had uncategorized ability a place to shine and receive rewards.
Celebrate the times when encountering someone that authentically and enthusiastically gets you on your way, fed or leaves your room crispy clean. Especially if those involved are obviously working off script from the standard business strategy. If you get that guy who shows up at the perfect time, who gets your crap working and lets you slide on parts with a smile and relaxed attitude; give feedback and let them know you got Service. It makes a difference and it might just be enough to inspire others to follow you.

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