near the bottom of the comments. I love it when someone lets loose a good solid string of curses, capping that off of course with a amicable ascii smiley. Good for a hoot I guess.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
ok so I was trollurking around the nutterwebs when i noticed some different blogs dating back to 01 07 or so and this whole controversy surrounding I suppose it must be effecting plenty of script kiddies because there's a ton of netspeak posts and random 7 year old shout outs among these more detailed blog posts about the embedded url re-directed. Hit counts aside, it points out something more obvious - there is probably huge money being tossed around on in the world of virtual re-directs. Hedgepoles speculating on the profit margin of mouse clicks to a ceretain site; driven by ad revenue of course. Aaa that's when the shark has long jumped and the barraccudas are settin in....... This is a place for "Social Networking News" as opposed to a place for friends , but it gets the job done. SO ~ I am immersed in this curiosity about the re-direct from myspace, fumbling around on blogs and pages wading through the irrelevant comments and boasts and my eye catches on this post and the shit brings me to tears. I was laughing my ass off, and hooting-by-myself in the living room. I was toasting the wondrous emotional eloquence of romance based languages and crying tears of joy and surprise. After reading about 30 or so posts out of 50, I'd say - one posts was such an immaturely brilliant standout that I gave a solo standing ovation for 15 minutes while the cat tried to bury itself in the chair cushions. Maybe I was tired, but the poster is: fsasdgdgs
2007-07-30 09:56:07
near the bottom of the comments. I love it when someone lets loose a good solid string of curses, capping that off of course with a amicable ascii smiley. Good for a hoot I guess.
near the bottom of the comments. I love it when someone lets loose a good solid string of curses, capping that off of course with a amicable ascii smiley. Good for a hoot I guess.
this is all I wanted for my birthday. A chance to be the guy who doesnt know how to wear his handkerchief mask thing when mugging someone. Oh well I can still dream. Or grow a mustache.
Here is what fascinates me the most about this clip - the random zoom in on the shoulder/chest. It is practically avant. If I watch this video any more trying to divine the meaning I will lose my mind. Someone explain what happened. Thanks.
Here is what fascinates me the most about this clip - the random zoom in on the shoulder/chest. It is practically avant. If I watch this video any more trying to divine the meaning I will lose my mind. Someone explain what happened. Thanks.
Monday, August 6, 2007
probably caused by excess hemoglobin

the shit has hit the fan this weekend. First we found out that 'fake steve jobs' was outed, then we learned that about 200 thousand weapons are missplaced somewhere in Iraq, and to cap it all off the 'rocket man' elton john wants us to flip the switch on the interwebnets and shut the whole thing down for 5 years. Sir Elton, if I may have a word with you........... WTF?!?!? ok look - I admire your determination and fortitude - maybe it's because you rocked when you were young, maybe you passed on all the bad 80's mojo to boy-boy george, maybe you have some kinda deal with some kinda devil but for the sake of pong! we need the interwebnets now more than ever. At least I do, I dont have enough time to catch my favorite shows or webcasts as it is, how the hell am I supposed to stay relevant (unlike you sir) if my webternets gets the axe? There is no way, because I (and my young ward dick) are the only ones who know where the kill switch is!! MUUAAHAHAHAHA!! Thats right, I have been in negotiations with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and that parapalegic guy in the wheelchair who is super smart, and they decided that I (and my faithful ward dick) are the only ones with the strength, courage, and irreparable brain damage to be able to conceal the off switch for the webternet from sassy sally forths like you, sir! I will not turn off the internet, never will you convince me! NEVER I SAY! You can re-release and re-package all your hits for the 30th time, you can perform in a donald duck suit for a year and still I will say NAY to you sir. I even refuse your offer of sending in Bono as a mediator, (but I may consider Beyonce, I hear she has a thing for geeks) this I tell you with unwavering certainty. I am sure you may read about the negotiations which took place this weekend between Sir Elton and I, even reaching a point where I considered his request and my stipulation was that he should publicly apologize for having anything to do with "candle in the wind" and make Bernie T wear the duck suit for a month. Then I realized I wouldnt be getting any RSS feeds about all my innertenwebs buddies snarky blogs, and couldnt e-stalk others, or even track my DHL and UPS purchases from amazon and E-bay not to mention destroy billions of hours watching other people do inane things on youtube. Shit,.. my offer is, was and will remain, NO! Thanks.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
purchasing the leverage for a buyout options plan
I am one of the people in this world who loves the absurd, abstract, and undefinable. Recently I was asked to be in a film project by an uber-talented creative bottle rocket guy wo also happens to be a very close friend. I was happy to comply because the projects this guy undertakes are always interesting at least and fantastic-ally-incredib-ations at best. This is a guy who can write tender songs for local theatre, act like it comes from his soul at 100%, play multiple intruments (self taught), paint, make movies, photo journal, network into the future and be part of an incredibly beautiful and cool family. It just works out. Like this movie, it came together in his warped and fascinating mind and was shot directed and edited by the same mind. The music was composed and performed by him too. I know,... as someone who enjoys creative outlets and performance I feel totally in awe most of the time so it's ok. Most of the people I meet I have an instinctive urge to kill when they are total creative geniuses, so I can then be the most creative person I know who is alive. In this case I think I dont mind being 2nd or 3rd or 3836th or whatever rank I currently hold. Besides,... now I am a movie star. heh.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
the web connection
switching gears now, I hate the web. It's like one of those crappy warehouse parties where there's a bunch of inter-connected rooms with different themes or some other ridiculous shit and you keep running into folks you either fucked over, fucked under or hooked up with and never wanted to see again. I got an email from someone I used to work with at the presidio grill when I was still doing the kitchen bitch thing. This grilltard was one of those guys who had obvious mental disabilities but would never submit to any kind of testing so it could never be verified. He once rolled his hightop in panko mix and deep fried it, resulting in a crispy golden brown chuck taylor. I admit the rest of us got into it and garnished the plate with rosemary aoli and tangelo slices, sprinkled with a little lime and chili powder. It looked damn tasty for a shoe. He ended up wearing it for the other 4 hours of his shift trailing greasy breading in and out of the walk-in and to the bus station. He told us this story about how, when he was growing up in NJ, he lived near some stadium but a couple blocks away was this swampy area where there were pipes sticking out of the ground about waist high. I guess the story goes that he and his buddies would ditch school and go out to these marshes and inhale deeply from the pipes, providing them with hours of brain killing fun. He said one time he woke up from a 'pipe-huff session' and it was dark and he was alone, when he got home his dad hit him with a broom stick and made him sleep in the garage.
You know - having a blog is like putting up an internet signpost that says "hey assholes, here I am."
You know - having a blog is like putting up an internet signpost that says "hey assholes, here I am."
Thats not arguable. Ever.
Sometimes I want to kill you. Sometimes I want to kill you then myself. But not by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge,.. too trendy right now. Why dont you ever hear about Bay Bridge jumpers? Just curious. I am feeling kind of angsty or just irritated because I have a houseguest and in my little 1 bdrm it seems entirely claustrophobic. And I like small dark spaces to hide - like most lurkers. Speaking of, downstairs neighbors have started to let me know they dont like my smoking out the window. Whenever I am contemplatively hanging over the sill deciding whether I will be buried at sea or just blown up in a mock spinal tap cremation they will suddenly shatter the reflection by slamming - and I mean SLAMMING - their window shut below me. Sometimes over and over, or maybe it's every window they have. Not sure dont really care. Maybe its because I hacked into their wireless and changed the extension on all their (his?) porn files from .wmv to .rm (real media) and they suspect me. I got a little tired of dirty latina maids every night - same fucking scene over and over and over. Dont get me wrong, I like dirty latina maids as much as the next guy, but her fakey accent and overly postured moaning are entirely unconvincing as is the fact that she has to keep saying "I'm your D-L-M,..... oh oh oh yeah....." makes me nostalgic for the days of the EXcite search. Back then you could practically trip over wholesome amateur porn just by doing a search for 'big bananas' or whatever. Also: is there only one plastic surgeon doing boob jobs in all of California? All, and I mean ALL fake boobs look exactly the same now. I hate fake boobies.
Oh real quick: I hate loathe and despise Belle and Sebastian, as well as anything that sycophant ryan adams might be involved in. "ohh I was strung out,.. ohhh electric ladyland studios,... ohhh I got over heroin AGAIN." Puh-lease. You're career would thank you if you just OD'ed tomorrow in front of the Chelsea.
Bitter much? Maybe not, but then again you'd probably have to give a shit to find out. Well I gotta get crackin, I just discovered a hack for bluetooth so I can change all my workmates ringtones,.......... that'll kill at least 40 minutes of todays shift. Yeah thats right - I put the 'hell' back in helpdesk.
Oh real quick: I hate loathe and despise Belle and Sebastian, as well as anything that sycophant ryan adams might be involved in. "ohh I was strung out,.. ohhh electric ladyland studios,... ohhh I got over heroin AGAIN." Puh-lease. You're career would thank you if you just OD'ed tomorrow in front of the Chelsea.
Bitter much? Maybe not, but then again you'd probably have to give a shit to find out. Well I gotta get crackin, I just discovered a hack for bluetooth so I can change all my workmates ringtones,.......... that'll kill at least 40 minutes of todays shift. Yeah thats right - I put the 'hell' back in helpdesk.
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